
Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I just love Malaysian news. It so brilliantly captures the worst of our society.

"Bruno" is banned. Not really unexpected, but look at the minister's comments. "The board should allow realism to be portrayed" . Well, he obviously has no inkling what this movie is about. "Bruno" is a disgustingly made film with no class and plenty of toilet humour involving body parts. "The board should not also throw the movie out without giving the submitting party a chance to explain themselves for scenes which may be deemed objectionable ". Dude, they were touting it as a sequel to "Borat", one of the most crass movies ever made. Full-frontal penises all over the screen, that's what they are banning. If the distributor is not making any noise, then stop complaining. Either that, or just revamp the system, which is well within your rights,minister.

There's a Polygamy Club now? Really? Yay! "For the one-third of the population that isn't Muslim, polygamy is unlawful." Discrimination, anyone? And it tells the tale of a female breadwinner whose jobless husband requested another wife. Shameless, much? Honestly, be a man. You don't have the balls to feed your family and you want to marry a divorcee with children to take care of her using your wife's money? She should have divorced the guy immediately. Personally, there is nothing wrong with polygamy if practised in the correct spirit. Problem is, it is too open to abuse by horny old men, excuse my stereotyping. Not to mention, in the spirit of equality, a woman should be allowed to marry more than one guy. Why don't we all get married in a huge circle of love?