
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Racism, Corruption and everything bad

This is not going to be a nice post. I recommend not reading it. Be prepared for lots of swearing if you do.Here goes:

Malaysia is a multiracial country and is (officially) proud of it. According to the Tourism Malaysia, Malaysia is " a bubbling, bustling melting pot of races and religions where Malays, Indians, Chinese and many other ethnic groups live together in peace and harmony". Yeah, right. My fragrant arse it is.

Heard of the term Malay superiority? It means giving special rights to people who abuse them. University places, land rights, special preference in most things all go to people who, even after all these artificial advantages and 50 years, control a mere 30% of the country's wealth. And even that 30% belongs to something like 20% of Malays. For heaven's sake, they cant even speak their native language properly. Let the truth prevail. The majority of Malays, especially the younger generation, are pathetic. I am NOT racist. Have you heard of the case in UPM? Some 30 Malay a***holes whacked a Chinese feller while uttering racist insults. You haven't heard? That's because our country's media is all government controlled. These fucking fools have the bloody guts to whack their betters because of the government. Let me tell you, if there was a mass migration OUT of Malaysia when it was first formed, Malaysia would have been taken over by singapore already. To know more about the UPM thing, go to, and look for the June 3 2007 post. Racial unity? It's as mythical as Cerberus. Hope the effing pigs meet him.

On to corruption. In the papers yesterday was a story about this cop who has RM 27 million in assets. How the hell did he get so much money? It is a FACT that of all government servants, only high ranking govt servants and ministers have the right to be millionaires. They are all as corrupted as Nixon. Even abdul rahman was corupted. So he was a prince. BIG DEAL. If his genes were that good, his family would have held REAL power instead of giving pieces of land away to the British. The excuse for a clean, modest, humble PM was angry because he was charged toll on the Penang bridge. Pay your toll and shut up lah. Who do you think you are? "I work for the people" my arse.

Religion in Malaysia is a bloody joke. It is a fucking good excuse to catch anybody they like for "going against Islamic beliefs". So I want to have premarital sex ( not that I support it). How is that your business? Let me be punished in the afterlife lah. God- fearing, power hungry morons are put in control of the lives of 70% of the population. We'll see who is punished more in the afterlife, you extremist fools or the people who sleep around.

If I get sued for this, I would still like to say, 'It was fun while it lasted'. If I REALLY get sued, it will merely prove my point that Malaysia censors free expression. Recommended viewing: 'Negarakuku' on Youtube.

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