
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Racism, Corruption and everything Bad II : Apologies and Clarifications

Hahaha, I was a bit extreme in the last post. Now I've cooled down a bit, let me clarify my position.

1. I AM NOT RACIST. I know many people of other races that I rate as being more mature and intelligent compared to yours truly. What I meant to say is, in Malaysia, what we have now is racial TOLERANCE, not UNITY. We are merely putting up with others' idiosyncracies without truly understanding them.

2. I APOLOGIZE. I made a few generalizations on a certain race. This is not correct and I apologize for it. In truth, race and religion are 2 of the oldest ways that mankind has used to differentiate themselves. That was useful in the Stone Age when everyone was trying to survive and everyone you met from another tribe were your enemies/competitors/threats. It is no longer applicable in today's globalized world and I apologize if I offended anyone.

3. I AM NOT RELIGIOUSLY DISCRIMINATORY. It is true that I do not practise any one of the main religions existing in today's world, but neither am I an atheist. It's just that I get incredibly riled up when people use His name for their own purposes.

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