
Friday, December 21, 2007

The SAM results are out. SAM's officially, irrevocably over now. I did fairly well and am 99% certain that I'm going to the University of Melbourne next year.

Heh..... The hols have been fun. The mamak restaurants must be making a mint. Been going out with my buddies 3-4 times a week, spending damn a lot too, but it's worth it. Where would I be without you guys? Love you guys.

A couple of them have girlfriends now, it's damn hard to get them to come out with the rest of us. Can't blame them, can I (useless, gutless, fool that I am) ? Not begrudging them anything, not qualified to. Lol.

Still pissed at someone though. To that person : The dislike is mutual. I honestly couldn't care less if I don't see you again.

Passed my undang test, after many trials and tribulations (serious!). The instructor who sent me there got lost in Puchong. Drove around aimlessly for 1.5 hours while frantically calling the other instructor for directions. Then the server crashed once I sat down in front of the terminal. Bloody computerized exam was over in 15 minutes but it took 3 hours to get to it.

Watched National Treasure 2 today. Not bad, plenty of action and car chases (crushing a brand-new Merc-Benz C-class in the process). However, the climax turned out to be the most boring part of the whole show, something I really can't understand. At least the producers have a sense of humour. Still, the best movie this year must be the Simpsons movie. Spiderpig rocks! For a live-action one, probably Transformers with National Treasure 2 a close second.

Driving course tomorrow. Hopefully not as boring as the first. Then it's off to Egypt for Christmas. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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