
Monday, October 1, 2007

Random Thoughts

I shall TELL you if i turn into a werewolf. Now go away and let me howl at my moon in peace.

How can a freakin' plate of nasi lemak cost RM 19? To whoever the hell is in charge of pricing for DOME, can I have your job?

Why do people like giving trophies? I'd much rather have the cash you used for the trophy.

HATE cats. Just really, really, HATE them. (except Garfield).

My trial results are going to suck.

Matt, your house is HUGE!!

Pyramid 2's open! Wonder when I'll finally go there.....

I wanna drive! This has a link to a personality test (Jung Typology test). Apparently I'm an ISTJ (whatever that is)

If God created man because He was bored, then do humans create life when we are bored? Does that mean that sex is boredom relief? (No offense to anyone is meant)

Late to bed and late to wake will keep you long on money and short on mistakes. - Aaron McGruder

Haven't played chess/pool/Chinese chess in a while.....

Don't wanna go to uni/work/grow up so fast....


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